Sunday, September 24, 2006

Samir Gaega criticized Hizballa's celebrations

I just started a new role in my company so I'm abit focused on those matters now and I hope it wont take too much time before I can spend alot of time again on politics.

During the war I was reading on the internal politics of Lebanon's during the last 30 years; going through events, finding about movements and leaders.. after a few hours of reading and skipping through so many pages.. I paused and said "pffff... what a mess..". It was like so many involved with so many conflicting views and so many turns and twists in the plot!
One note about "internal politics in Lebanon" - No such thing when you count Syria and Israel's role in those 30 years.

Today I read interesting statement by one of the names I remembered - Samir Gaega.
It came as a respond to the victory celebrations of Hizballa. Once it was said that all it takes to such an organization to claim victory is an empty box to stand on, in a corner of some remote village and raise arms.
Hizballa's celebrations shows clearly how Lebanon's interests are not served by those who call themselves a resistance movement and who ridiculed PM Fouads Siniora tears in public.

I recommend reading certain blogs which discuss Lebanon's affairs with Syria (I assume that Israel-Lebanon blogs are much easier to find) - and . Thanks for those 2 web sites I learnt alot about Lebanon's other faces.; I find it interesting to learn about Lebanon throught lenses which focus on other subjects and other directions. After all, to make peace with a country requires understanding all its positions on the multi dimensional political game.

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